Segmentation (The Viterbi Algorithm)

This algorithm is to find the one state sequence that was most likely to have generated the observation sequence. It is very similar to the Forward Algorithm, the main difference being that instead of evaluating a summation at each cell, we evaluate the maximum:


This implicitly identifies the single best predecessor state for each cell in the trellis. If we explicitly identify that best predecessor state, saving a single backpointer in each cell in the trellis, then by the time we have evaluated tex2html_wrap_inline3704 at the final state at the final time frame, we can retrace those backpointers from the final cell to reconstruct the whole state sequence. Figure 2.9 illustrate the Viterbi path. Once we have the state sequence, we can segment the speech by the alignment path.

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Jo Chul-Ho
Wed Oct 13 17:59:27 JST 1999