In order to remedy the pronunciation errors, we have adopted different
feedback methods for consonants, vowels, and speech rhythm, respectively.
- Articulatory Configuration : For consonants, classification is
performed based on the place and manner of articulation to identify
the cause of misarticulation, and then the correct articulatory
configuration is displayed on the screen, along with pointing to
specific production problems.
- Vowel Diagrams : For vowels, the formant frequencies
) of vowel sounds are measured and plotted on the
vowel diagram mapped onto the open/close positions on the jaw and
front/back on the tongue. - Contrastive Visual/Auditory Feedback : A rhythmical information
is provided by representing mora-timed durations on the screen, and
thus the feedback such as rhythmically longer or
rhythmically shorter is given to the learners. In addition,
auditory confirmation is also provided.
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Jo Chul-Ho
Wed Oct 13 17:59:27 JST 1999