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CHATR Source File Locations

COPYING       README            doc      utils
CVS           REQUIREMENTS      lib
Makefile      db_utils          src

CVS           chatr.1        makeinx.c      ug.tex
Makefile      getcoms.c      ug.bbl

CVS           data      dic      examples
Makefile      dbs       etc

CVS                     f2b_lrf0.ch             nembs_def.ch
Makefile                f2b_phnet.ch            nus_params.ch
all_map.ch              fhs_xph_def.ch          nuuph_def.ch
beep_def.ch             fie_lrdur.ch            nuutalk_mht.ch
ceptrain.ch             german_def.ch           radio2_def.ch
ch_config.h-dist        hlp_rules.ch            reduce.ch
chinese_def.ch          hlp_tilt.ch             rp_dur.ch
cmu_f_int.ch            holmes_def.ch           rp_int.ch
cmu_int.ch              init.ch                 rp_pause.ch
config.make.rules       isard_synth.ch          speakutils.ch
config.make.rules-dist  itlspeakers.ch          taylor_synth.ch
darpa_def.ch            japanese_map.ch         tilt_int.ch
default.chatrrc         japanese_map_fhs_x.ch   tilt_lib.ch
default.make.rules      korean_def.ch           tobi.ch
distfunc.ch             korean_hcode_def.ch     tts.ch
emmi.ch                 lexicons.ch             udb.ch
f2b_dur_nnet.ch         maem_int.ch             utils.ch
f2b_int.ch              mht_lrdur.ch            xwaves.ch
f2b_jvs.ch              mht_lrf0.ch
f2b_lrdur.ch            mrpa_def.ch

CVS              auspool         inspect.tcsh         k2r
Colors_File      chatr.el        inspect_unit.pl      xw_makef0
Makefile         inspect.pl      je2tts

CVS             demo1.3.utt      ex10.utt          make_lrdat
FKN03.f0        demo1.4.utt      ex11.utt          resynth.ch
FKN04.f0        demo1.tts        fulltest.ch       saymail
MHT01.f0        demo2.tts        hlcbtilt.ch       saymail.ch
Makefile        demo3.tts        jpex01.utt        song.ch
chatr_intro     dialog.ch        jpex02.utt        sp_ex.ch
chatr_jintro    ex01.utt         jpex03.utt        tobis.ch
cmuC01-hlp.ch   ex02.utt         jpex04.utt        train_lrdur.ch
cmuC01.ch       ex04.utt         jpex05.utt        voices.tts
cmuC02.ch       ex05.utt         jpex06.utt
demo1.1.utt     ex08.utt         korean_intro.ch
demo1.2.utt     ex09.utt         levels.ch

5k.dic           buildlex        full.dic          nembs_lex.out
CVS              celex.dic       full.out          new.dic
Makefile         celex.dic.old   map-dict          phones
beep.out         cmu_lex.ch      map-dict.out      weelex
beep_lex.ch      cmu_lex.out     nembs_lex.ch

CVS             Makefile

CVS             Makefile        mkchatrdirs     mkchatrrcs

CVS                     make_fr_f02             make_vq_files
DBNAME_synth.ch         make_fr_f0_q            merge_params
DBNAME_train.ch         make_fr_pow             merge_params.c
HCode_cube              make_fr_voc             merge_params.o
HCode_cube.c            make_glottal_vocal      normal_power
HCode_cube_patch        make_imcep              param_stats
Makefile                make_indexout           param_stats.c
add_newfields           make_lrdat              param_stats.o
arx                     make_lrdurstats         phonefilter
atr2xlabel              make_melcep             pitch_make
cepanaf                 make_pf_jsyl            pitch_make.c
cepanaf.c               make_pf_pitch           pow_normal.ch
cepsynf                 make_pf_power           power_make
cepsynf.c               make_pfs                power_make.c
check_align             make_pitchmarks         syls_make
check_labs              make_pruning            syls_make.c
check_labs.awk          make_segs               train_lrdur.sh
check_labwav            make_stats              train_lrdur1.ch
check_phoneset          make_tar                train_lrdur2.ch
check_phoneset.ch       make_tobif0_params      train_lrdur_sub1.ch
db_description          make_traincep           train_lrdur_sub2.ch
f0_slant                make_training           unit_stats
make.depend             make_unit_desc          unit_stats.c
make_acoustic_params    make_unit_zscores       vqparms
make_alldirs            make_unitindex          words_make
make_arx                make_units              words_make.c
make_db                 make_vq                 xlbl2pf
make_f0s                make_vq_codebook
make_fr_f0              make_vq_disttab

CVS               display       intonation      phrase
Makefile          duration      lex             ruc
arch              file          lib             synth
audio             hlp           lts             text
chatr             include       main            udb
conv_phoneme      input         phoneme

CVS             discrete.o       make.depend      table.c
Makefile        list.c           server.c         table.o
alloc.c         list.o           server.o
alloc.o         list_eval.c      sysdep.c
discrete.c      list_eval.o      sysdep.o

AFplay.c      NAplay.o         datlink.c        srconv.c
AFplay.o      au_socket.c      datlink.o        srconv.o
CVS           au_socket.o      make.depend
Makefile      bytecodec.c      play.c
NAplay.c      bytecodec.o      play.o

CVS               chatr_util.o      global.c         stats.c
Makefile          chatr_vars.c      global.o         stats.o
cep_dist.c        chatr_vars.o      grammar.c        stats_support.c
cep_dist.o        commands.c        grammar.o        stats_support.o
chatr.c           commands.o        lr.c             uprint.c
chatr.o           disctree.c        lr.o             uprint.o
chatr_out.c       disctree.o        make.depend      utt_modules.c
chatr_out.o       feats.c           nnet.c           utt_modules.o
chatr_util.c      feats.o           nnet.o          

CVS             display.o       xmg.c           xwaves.o
Makefile        make.depend     xmg.o           xwaves_f0.c
display.c       nus.h           xwaves.c        xwaves_f0.o

CVS             dur_lr.o        fbound.c        foot.o
Makefile        duration.c      fbound.o        make.depend
dur_lr.c        duration.o      foot.c

CVS             ch_printf.o     make.depend     term_print.o
Makefile        chatrline.c     nus.h           wave_io.c
cep_io.c        chatrline.o     save_stream.c   wave_io.o
cep_io.o        list_file.c     save_stream.o   wave_util.c
ch_printf.c     list_file.o     term_print.c    wave_util.o

CVS             hlp.o           hlp_phrbrk.o    sphrase.c
Makefile        hlp_addacc.c    make.depend     sphrase.o
fw.h            hlp_addacc.o    monaghan.c
hlp.c           hlp_phrbrk.c    monaghan.o

CVS                     esps.h                  nuustreams.h
Makefile                fbounds.h               ph_unit.h
alloc.h                 fileio.h                phoneme.h
audio.h                 futils.h                phrase.h
cep.h                   general.h               pmark.h
ch_config.h             grammar.h               ruc.h
ch_config.h-dist        hlp.h                   stats.h
ch_terminal.h           input.h                 syllable.h
chatr.h                 interface.h             synth.h
commands.h              intonation.h            table.h
config.make.rules       lexicon.h               text.h
config.make.rules-dist  lextree.h               udb.h
default.make.rules      list.h                  utt_modules.h
discrete.h              list_error.h            wave.h
disctree.h              lr.h                    word.h
display.h               nnet.h
duration.h              nuuphone.h

CVS           make.depend   pw_input.o     unit_input.o
Makefile      pf_input.c    rfc_input.c    wave_input.c
hlp_input.c   pf_input.o    rfc_input.o    wave_input.o
hlp_input.o   pi_input.c    seg_input.c    word_input.c
input.c       pi_input.o    seg_input.o    word_input.o
input.o       pw_input.c    unit_input.c

CVS            fujisaki.c     make_f0.o        phrase_int.o
Makefile       fujisaki.o     make_targets.c   pitch_range.c
ToBI.c         intonation.c   make_targets.o   pitch_range.o
ToBI.o         intonation.o   mbeckman.c       rfc.h
connection.c   make.depend    mbeckman.o       rfc_util.c
connection.o   make_f0.c      phrase_int.c     rfc_util.o

CVS             lexicon.c       make.depend     word.o
Makefile        lexicon.o       reduce.c
complex.c       lextree.c       reduce.o
complex.o       lextree.o       word.c

CVS             Makefile        libchatr.a

CVS             jlts.c          lts.o           lts_rules.c
Makefile        jlts.o          lts2darpa.h     lts_rules.o
german.h        korean.h        lts_nonword.c   make.depend
japanese.h      lts.c           lts_nonword.o

CVS             chatr           chatr_pipe.c    make.depend
Makefile        chatr_main.c    chatr_pipe.o    xw_makef0.c
auspool.c       chatr_main.o    je2tts.c        xw_makef0.o
auspool.o       chatr_pipe      je2tts.o

CVS             phoneme.o       phonology.o     syllable.o
Makefile        phoneme_def.c   segment.c
make.depend     phoneme_def.o   segment.o
phoneme.c       phonology.c     syllable.c

CVS             futils.c        make.depend     phrasal.o
Makefile        futils.o        phrasal.c

CVS             dumbplus.c      lib_ener.o       unit_io.c
Makefile        dumbplus.o      lib_syn.c        unit_io.o
cep_resynth.c   gm_psola.c      lib_syn.o        window.c
cep_resynth.o   gm_psola.h      make.depend      window.h
cepsynf.c       gm_psola.o      ruc.c            window.o
cepsynf.o       lib_ener.c      ruc.o

CVS             make.depend     utt_stretch.c    wave_funcs.o
Makefile        synthesis.c     utt_stretch.o
dummy.c         synthesis.o     wave_funcs.c

CVS             jtext.c         make.depend      text.o
Makefile        jtext.o         text.c

CVS                     udb_dbstats.o           udb_nus_segmap.c
Makefile                udb_discretes.c         udb_nus_segmap.o
make.depend             udb_discretes.o         udb_simple.c
nus.h                   udb_distfunc.c          udb_simple.o
nus_cand.c              udb_distfunc.o          udb_targfuncs.c
nus_cand.o              udb_generic.c           udb_targfuncs.o
udb.c                   udb_generic.o           udb_train.c
udb.o                   udb_io.c                udb_train.h
udb_comms.c             udb_io.o                udb_train.o
udb_comms.o             udb_nus_score.c         udb_utils.c
udb_dbstats.c           udb_nus_score.o         udb_utils.o

CVS                     codeconv.o              pmem.c
Makefile.HP-UX          conv_phoneme            pmem.h
Makefile.OSF1           conv_romaji.c           pmem.o
Makefile.SOLARIS        conv_romaji.h           pmemstruc.h
Makefile.SunOS          conv_romaji.o           ptoken.c
README                  hantable.h              ptoken.h
cmisc.c                 phoneme_conv_table.h    ptoken.o
cmisc.o                 plexicon.c              ptokenstruc.h
codeconv.c              plexicon.o              type.h

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