CHATR -- a Generic Speech Synthesis System


Depending on your machine set up, meta-H may be the escape key (or f11 on a DEC) followed by the letter `h', or possibly the meta-key and (while the meta-key is depressed) the `h' key.


If you really want to have file names starting with left parentheses, you can name them with a preceding directory path such as `./' -- but why do you want filenames with parentheses in them?


So far we do not make any theoretical claims about these levels, but we may make claims on their status later.


The potential for such initial mis-identification of word type is a direct result of the rather coarse identification algorithm--the time overhead on exhaustive category-testing of each and every word is prohibitive.


CHATR is case-sensitive.


Like many of CHATR's commands, all those related to a particular aspect are grouped under an initial function name. Lexicon commands start with Lexicon followed by a sub-command.


Technically the condition is the play program/routine must be complete, which is not necessarily the same thing.


Note that after selection, the individual units cepstrum vectors are each time aligned, so overall alignment should not be a problem.

This document was generated on 17 June 1997 using the texi2html translator version 1.50.