import subprocess import exceptions class FSM: """Finite State Machine. First, give states using setState(), then, give input data using setState()""" def __init__ (self): self.states = [] self.currentState = None def setState(self, state, isInit = False): """setState(state, isInit = False) state : object of the class State isInit: True if the state is the initial state.""" if isInit or self.currentState == None: self.currentState = state self.states.append(state) def feed(self, input): """feed(input) give input""" self.currentState = self.currentState.feed(input) class State: """ State class for FSM. setTransition: a transition consists of thre params, inputs : If the input is a member of the list, invoke this rule. nextState: Next state of this transition rule. action : Do something feed: give input""" def __init__(self): self.rules = [] def setTransition(self, getfunc, inputs, nextState, action): """setTransition(getfunc, inputs, nextState, action) getfunc (function): converte function from input to "inputs" inputs (list): a set of conditions to invoke this rule. nextState (int): next state. action (string/function): execute when this rule is invoked. string: call shell function: call the function""" if not(type(inputs) == type([])): raise exceptions.TypeError("inputs must be list, but:" \ + str(type(inputs))) self.rules.append({"input": inputs, "next": nextState, "action": action, "getfunc": getfunc}) def feed(self, inp): for rule in self.rules: if rule["getfunc"](inp) in rule["input"]: if type(rule["action"]) == type(""):["action"].split()) elif type(rule["action"] )== type(lambda x:x): rule["action"](inp) else: print type(rule["action"]) return rule["next"] else: print "rule not found." #raise exceptions.ValueError("No transition rule registered") return self if __name__ == "__main__": fsm = FSM() st0 = State() st1 = State() fsm.setState(st0) fsm.setState(st1) st0.setTransition(lambda x:x, ["st1",], 1, "echo goto st1".split()) st1.setTransition(lambda x:x, ["st0",], 0, "echo goto st0".split()) while 1: line = raw_input() print "input: ", line fsm.feed(line)