SMILEY マーク一覧

From: (Martha Wile)
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 90 16:08:35 EDT 
Subject: smiley

This is the file i've saved from various postings.
My apologies for not saving all of the posters names.


>From (Maarten Litmaath) Mon Oct 23 23:10:00 1989
Newsgroups: news.newusers.questions
Subject: Re: smileys
Date: 24 Oct 89 03:10 GMT
Organization: V.U. Informatica, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Lines: 208

(A follow-up seemed appropriate.)

 :-o    Wow!                       :-c     Real unhappy
 :-|    Grim                       :-C     Just totally unbelieving
 := |   Baboon                     :-B     Drooling
 :-v    Speaking                   :-,     Smirk
 :-V    Shout                      :-||    Anger
 :-w    Speak with forked tongue   :-)     Smiling
 :-r    Sticking tongue out        :-(     Frowning
 :-*    Oops!                      '-)     Wink
 :-T    Keeping a straight face    ;-)     Sardonic Incredulity
 :-D    Said with a smile          %-<I>   Drunk with laughter 
 :-x    Kiss kiss                  :-"     Pursing lips
 :-[    Pouting                    :-#     My lips are sealed
 :-X    A big wet kiss!            :-P     Tongue hanging out in anticipation
 :-Y    A quiet aside              8-|     Eyes wide with surprise
 >-<    Absolutely livid!!         &-|     Tearful
 |-{    "Good Grief!"  (Charlie Brown?)
 :-}	"Thish wine tashted pretty good"
 8-]	"wow, maaan"
 8-O	"Omigod!!" (done after "rm -rf *" ?)
 :-,	"Hmmmm."
 |‾(	"Someone just busted my nose".
 :^D	"Great! I like it!"
 B-D     "Serves you right, dummy!!"
IBM SHARE/Northeast Regional Data Center, Gainsville, Florida/Update, May 1985
The Unofficial Smiley Dictionary

:-)   Your basic smiley. This smilie is used to inflect a sarcastic or
      joking statement since we can't hear voice inflection over Unix.
;-)   Winky smiley. User just made a flirtatious and/or sarcastic remark.
      More of a "don't hit me for what I just said" smiley.
:-(   Frowning smiley. User did not like that last statement or is upset
      or depressed about something.
:-I   Indifferent smiley. Better than a Frowning smilie but not quite as 
      good as a happy smiley
:->   User just made a really biting sarcastic remark. Worse than a :-).
>:->  User just made a really devilish remark.
>;->  Winky and devil combined. A very lewd remark was just made.

Those are the basic ones...Here are some somewhat less common ones:

(-:   User is left handed
%-)   User has been staring at a green screen for 15 hours straight
:*)   User is drunk
[:]   User is a robot
8-)   User is wearing sunglasses
B:-)  Sunglasses on head
::-)  User wears normal glasses
B-)   User wears horn-rimmed glasses
8:-)  User is a little girl
:-)-8 User is a Big girl
:-{)  User has a mustache
:-{}  User wears lipstick
{:-)  User wears a toupee
}:-(  Toupee in an updraft
:-[   User is a Vampire
:-E   Bucktoothed vampire
:-F   Bucktoothed vampire with one tooth missing
:-7   User just made a wry statement
:-*   User just ate something sour
;-(  User is crying
;-)  User is so happy, s/he is crying
:-@   User is screaming
:-#   User wears braces
:^)   User has a broken nose
:<)   User is from an Ivy League School
:-&   User is tongue tied.
+-:-) User is the Pope or holds some other religious office
`:-)  User shaved one of his eyebrows off this morning
,:-)  Same thing...other side
|-I   User is asleep
|-O   User is yawning/snoring
:-Q   User is a smoker
:-?   User smokes a pipe
O-)   Megaton Man On Patrol!  (or else, user is a scuba diver)
O :-) User is an angel (at heart, at least)
:-P   Nyahhhh!
:-S   User just made an incoherent statement
:-D   User is laughing (at you!)
:-X   User's lips are sealed
:-C   User is really bummed
<|-)  User is Chinese
<|-(  User is Chinese and doesn't like these kind of jokes
:-/   User is skeptical
C=:-) User is a chef
@=    User is pro-nuclear war
*<:-) User is wearing a Santa Claus Hat
:-o   Uh oh!
(8-o  It's Mr. Bill!
*:o)  And Bozo the Clown!
3:]   Pet smiley
3:[   Mean Pet smiley
d8=   Your pet beaver is wearing goggles and a hard hat.
E-:-) User is a Ham radio operator
:-9   User is licking his/her lips
%-6   User is braindead
[:-)  User is wearing a walkman
(:I   User is an egghead
<:-I  User is a dunce
K:P   User is a little kid with a propeller beenie
@:-)  User is wearing a turban
:-0   No Yelling!  (Quiet Lab)
:-:   Mutant Smiley
      The invisible smiley
.-)   User only has one eye
,-)   Ditto...but he's winking
X-(   User just died
%¥v   Picasso
C=}>;*{O)  Mega-Smiley... A drunk, devilish chef with a toupee in an updraft,
                          a mustache, and a double chin

Note: A lot of these can be typed without noses to make midget smileys.

:) - Midget smilie
:] - Gleep...a friendly midget smiley who will gladly be your friend
:) - Happy
:> - hmm, let me think...
:D - Laughter
:I - Hmmm, not funny!
:( - Sad
:[ - Real Downer
:< - what pretences!
:{ - oh boy, the headmaster!...
:O - Yelling
;( - Crying
[] - Hugs and
:* - Kisses

  :-`	smiley spitting out its chewing tobacco
  :-1	smiley bland face
  :-!		"
  :-$	smiley face with it's mouth wired shut
  :-6	smiley after eating something sour
  8-)	smiley swimmer
  :-*	smiley after eating something bitter
  :-&	smiley which is tongue-tied
  :-0	smiley orator
        smiley invisible man
  (:-(	unsmiley frowning
  (:-)  smiley big-face
  ):-)          "
  ):-(  unsmiley big-face
  )8-)  scuba smiley big-face
  =:-)	smiley punk-rocker
  =:-(  (real punk rockers don't smile)
  +-:-)	smiley priest
  :-q	smiley trying to touch its tongue to its nose
  :-e	disappointed smiley
  :-t	cross smiley
  :-i	semi-smiley
  :-o	smiley singing national anthem
  :-p	smiley sticking its tongue out (at you!)
  :-[	un-smiley blockhead
  :-]	smiley blockhead
  :-{	smiley variation on a theme
  :-}	ditto
  {:-)	smiley with its hair parted in the middle
  }:-)	above in an updraft
  :-a	lefty smilely touching tongue to nose
  :-s	smiley after a BIZARRE comment
  :-d	lefty smiley razzing you
  g-)	smiley with pince-nez glasses
  :-j	left smiling smilely
  :-k	beats me, looks like something, tho.
  :-l	y. a. s.
  :-:	mutant smiley
  :-¥	undecided smiley
  :-/	lefty undecided smiley
  :-|	"have an ordinary day" smiley
  ;-)	winking smiley
  :-<	real sad smiley
  :->   y.a.s.
  :-z   y.a.c.s.
  :-x	"my lips are sealed" smiley
  :-c	bummed out smiley
  :-v	talking head smiley
  :v)   left-pointing nose smiley
  :-b   left-pointing tongue smiley
  :-?	smilely smoking a pipe
  .-]   on-eyed smiley
  ,-}   wry and winking
  0-)	smiley cyclops (scuba diver?)
  :-=)  older smiley with mustache
  :u)   smiley with funny-looking left nose
  :n)   smiley with funny-looking right nose
  :<	midget unsmiley
  :>	midget smiley
  }:^#})  mega-smiley:  updrafted bushy-mustached pointy nosed smiley with a

:-)	ha ha			‾‾:-(	net.flame
|-)	hee hee                 O |-)   net.religion
|-D	ho ho
:->	hey hey                 8 :-I   net.unix-wizards
:-(	boo hoo			  X-(	net.suicide
:-I	hmm                     E-:-I   net.ham-radio
:-O	uh oh			 >:-I	net.startrek
:-P	nyah nyah		 3:o[	net.pets
|-P	yuk
:-}	beard
:-{	mustache
:-#	braces
:-X	bow tie
:-Q	smoker
<:I	dunce
(:I	egghead
@:I	turban
8-)	glasses
B-)	horn-rims
8:-)	glasses on forehead
:-8(	condescending stare
;-)	wink
>:-<	mad
Drama :-(	Comedy :-)	Surprise :-o	Suspense 8-|
Male	:-      Female	>-      Birth	|-O	Death 8-#
Infinity	8
A symbolic link is a POINTER to a file, | Maarten Litmaath @ VU Amsterdam:
 a hard link is the file system's GOTO. |, mcsun!botter!maart

Subject: These  8-)  (Let's see yours)
From: micl23@inuxm.UUCP (W E Miller @ AT&T Consumer Products, Indianapolis)
Newsgroups: rec.humor,misc.misc
(15 lines)

It's interesting to see the different little smiley faces that people
insert into their articles. Here are some:

   :-)  :-]  8^)  :v0  :vO  :vo  ;-)  ;-]  8')  8`)  8`o  8`O  :-}  X-(

   8>)  8‾} (susan bacon) writes:
SUZIE> Here's my favorite smiley:
SUZIE>        ?:^7       Guess who?

	a little above...
SUZIE> Keywords: smiley Reagan
	Got it right ?

P-) b-) (and variations) as PIRATES!!!
8-, (and variations) as smirks......
I can add a few extras to this listing:
B-)  |-)  {:-)  and of course my favorite  O-)  <----mutants for nukes 
Well, let's see... there's always:
8-)		The Madman Strikes Again
8-(		Something is MAJORLY wrong...
*-}		"But ossifer, I only had one or tee li'l martoonis..."
#-)		Lieutenant LaForge
:-|		Have a day.
%-{		I've been hacking too long
%‾v		(God, I hate line noise!)
B-)		Cool guy with shades.
C:-)		Bonjour, Monsieur...
@:)		Welcome to India
|-)		I done so good...

And, my reaction to the local cafeteria's coffee...
Subject: Re: These  8-)  (Let's see yours)
From: (ken kleiner @ Boston University, Tyngsboro MA)
Newsgroups: rec.humor,misc.misc
(144 lines)

	Here is a compilation of faces I got off of the net last year..
Ever get one of these along with one of your messages?  In case you
were in doubt to what they meant, here's their explanations.

:-)     humorous
:-(     be prepared for trouble
(:-)    messages dealing with bicycle helmets
<:-)    dumb questions
oo      somebody's head-lights are on messages
O>-<|=  messages of interest to women
o>8<|=  messages about interesting women
;-)     wink ( take this message with a grain of salt)
|-(     late night messages
:^)     messages teasing people about their noses
:-{#}   messages teasing people about their braces
-  @=   messages about nuclear war

Thanks to Don Hopkins of Roosevelt H.S. for inventing these..
.And here are a few more by M. Raccah (ZSMOSH@WEIZMANN) and

More faces and funny messages!!

(:-#   Message concerning something that shouldnt have been said...
(:-$   Message indicating person is ill...
(:-&   Message indicating person is angry...
(:-*   Kiss...
(:+)   Message concerning a  big nose...
(:=)   Message concerning people with TWO noses (???)
(:-¥   Message indicating person is VERY sad...
(:^( message concerning people with broken noses
(:<) message concerning blabber mouths
:-(=) message about people with big teeth.
&:-)  message from a person with curly hair
@:-) message from a person with wavy hair
?-( about people with a  black eye.
*:*  message about fuzzy things
*:** message about fuzzy people with a fuzzy mustache
%-) message about people with broken glasses
+<:-| message from a monk/nun...
{0-) message from cyclops...
(:-D message cocerning another blabber mouth...
(:-|K- formal message.
B-) message from Batman !!!
=0== - message about mexican on a railroad!
=t== - message about mexican run over by train.
@%&$%&$¥&*@%$#@ - you know what that means...
---...--- - S.O.S

Designed, Planned and otherwise electricuted by
The Gracious M. Raccah and Venerable Y. Pecht
And these were provided to us from M. Sipper (5874613@TECHUNIX)

<{:-)}    message in a bottle...
<:-)<<|   message from a space rocket...
(:-...    heart-breaking message...
>|->      message from China...
<<<<(:-)  message from a hat sales-man...
(O--<     a fishy message...
(8-)      message from a person wearing glasses...
(:>-<     message from a thief: hands up!
  (a lewd, drunken friend of mine)
my favorite is the Picasso Face:    %¥v 

P-)   (etc.)   eyepatch over left eye
B-)   (etc.)   glasses
b-)   (etc.)   eyepatch over right eye
R-)   (etc.)   wink with galsses
S-)   (etc.)   crooked or broken glasses
C-)   (etc.)   squinting cyclops
p-)   (etc.)   monocle
B-|   (etc.)   straight face (used with any eye combination)
Q-)   (etc.)   winking cyclops
O-)   (etc.)   cyclops
L-)   (etc.)   funky hairdo
T-)   (etc.)   funky glasses
E-)   (etc.)   wide eyes 
H-)   (etc.)   cross-eyed
You left out the Scot from Seattle who uses  *¥:-)    (He has his bonnet on!)
A few more (like I don't have anything better to do):

:8)          pig
8()          duck
8+()         Tina Turner
*‾8-}        Idiot w/fuse coming out of his head
B-{=         Vampire. Or a beaver. Or maybe just a big dork...
@-}          Uh...a cyborg w/targeting sight.
             (oh, alright, that's pretty lame, but it looks cool).
  !          Bum w/cigarette  

  !	     Movie producer w/cigarette

:-[ ]        Jaws of doom
>From Sun Jul 15 18:22:39 1990
Date: Sun, 15 Jul 90 17:22:24 PDT
From: Charles J. Guest  
Subject: Re: looking for canonical smileys file
Organization:  ... a Republic... if you can keep it.

 	The characters :-) have come to represent a smiely face on the
usenet.  (If you don't see it that way try flopping your head over to
the left.)  The following were culled from various articles from the net
and are suposed to represent most if not all of the varitaions for :-)
Charles Guest   News Administrator
August 13, 1989

A pig:	                :@)
A leper:                : )
Jimmy Durante:	        :###)
Donald Trump:	        :$)
Carl Friedrich Gauss: 	:+)
Peter Ubberoth: 	:‾)
Jose Feliciano: 	 -)
Helen Keller:   	 -
Dolly Parton:   	:-)   8
John Holmes:    	:-)	   ---
Bon Jovi:
Ed Koch:
Bozo the Clown:
Siamese twins:  	(-::-)
An accountant:  	:%)
Sam Kinnison:           :-)!!!
Wilt Chamberlin:   :-)
Willie Shoemaker:		:-)
a schizophrenic:        *!#*!^*&:-)
a manic depressive:	:-) ... :-( ... :-) ... :-( ....
Adolph Hitler:  	:-=)
Arnold Schwarznegger:	:-)==
98-pound weakling:	:-)--
Sammy Davis, Jr.:	.-)
an innie (belly button):	:-)	   .
an outie:               	:-)        ,
a slut:     	                :-)     <
a celibate:	                :-)     >
a nymphomaniac: 	:-)     <    ...  :-)	  <   ...  :-)    <  ....
	:-Q      <
          >      Q-:
A philosopher:	        :?)
John Q. Public: 	:Q)
Everyman:      	        :*)

[[ Also, some additions were made in the "Unofficial Smilie Dictionary" section
   by Mr. Guest   -hoop ]]
Don Hooper,  ...!uunet!ncar!boulder!hoop