This is my TP230Cs

my ThinkPad230Cs photo
On cover is Linus Torvalds's own handwriting logo! :-)
He was so kind to write this, when he came to Japan on Dec. 1995 and made a speech on Kyoto Univ.

The LCD panel become not clear, that bothers me...

Hardware spec.

The day I bought about Feb. 1995
Machine name IBM ThinkPad230Cs-YB7
CPU 486SX-33MHz
Memory storage 20MB(base 4MB + extended 16MB)
HDD IBM OEM 720MB(exchanged)
well-worked PCMCIA Cards SCSI qLogic Fast!SCSI PCMCIA-10
Modem Panasonic TO-706C (14400bps FAX DATA)
Ether Allied Telesis LA-PCM(10base-T)

Software spec.

screen shot screen shot
OS Linux-2.0.9
distribution Slackware-3.0.0 + JE(Japanese Environment Pack)-0.9.7
…Too old to mention ;-(
Last modified: Thu Oct 29 14:48:20 1998