4.4.2 Distributions of Formant Frequency ( tex2html_wrap_inline3588 , tex2html_wrap_inline3590 ) for Vowels

The concept of a typical vowel sound is based on the variability of vowel pronunciation among men and women with different regional pronunciation and other variable characteristics. A common way of exploiting the information embodied in formant frequency is to represent each vowel by a centroid in the formant space with the realization that the centroid at best represents average behavior and does not represent variability across speakers. We set up an tex2html_wrap_inline3592 coordinate system using the formant frequencies tex2html_wrap_inline3588 and tex2html_wrap_inline3590 of word utterances. It is shown in Figure 4.2. Formants are extracted through an LPC-based peak-picking estimation method.


VOWEL SAMPLES tex2html_wrap_inline3588 tex2html_wrap_inline3590
/a/ 917 753 1385
/i/ 805 315 2172
/u/ 910 367 1332
/e/ 765 500 1947
/o/ 909 520 997
表 4.3: Average formant frequencies for vowels by Japanese male speakers


図 4.2: tex2html_wrap_inline3592 loci of Japanese five basic vowels measured from the word utterances by native male speakers

A table of average formant frequencies is given in Table 4.3. Accordingly, we can set up the articulatory vowel diagram, as shown in Figure 4.6. It has been effective for a learner to correct his incorrect vowel pronunciation along with referring the tongue position of his vowel sound relative to the typical loci of the target vowel.

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Jo Chul-Ho
Wed Oct 13 17:59:27 JST 1999