Discriminant Functions based on Decision Theory

Statistical decision theory can be used as a means to establish the discriminant functions for probabilistic patterns governed by known probability functions. By Bayes' rule we can write


where p(X|i) is the probability that X occurs, given that it is a pattern belonging to category i; regarded as a function of i, p(X|i) is often called the likelihood of i with respect to X; p(i) is the a priori probability of occurrence of category i; and p(X) is the probability that X occurs regardless of its category.

The probability p(X) is calculated as follows:


The various terms used in Eq.(2.12) are defined below.


is a tex2html_wrap_inline3886 column vector representing the pattern.


is a tex2html_wrap_inline3886 column vector. It has the property of being equal to the expected value of X, i.e., M=E[X], and is therefore called the mean vector.


is a symmetric, positive definite matrix, called the covariance matrix.

The i, j component tex2html_wrap_inline3898 of the covariance matrix tex2html_wrap_inline3900 is given by


for all i, j = 1, tex2html_wrap_inline3828 , d; in particular, tex2html_wrap_inline3910 is the variance of tex2html_wrap_inline3912 . We can also write tex2html_wrap_inline3900 in the compact form


The inverse of tex2html_wrap_inline3900 is tex2html_wrap_inline3918 , and the determinant of tex2html_wrap_inline3900 is tex2html_wrap_inline3922 . Since the d-variate normal probability distribution is completely specified by the mean vector M and covariance matrix tex2html_wrap_inline3900 .

The probability p(X|i) is also calculated as below if we define R mean vectors tex2html_wrap_inline3934 and R covariance matrices tex2html_wrap_inline3938 for i = 1, tex2html_wrap_inline3828 , R


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Jo Chul-Ho
Wed Oct 13 17:59:27 JST 1999