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Developing New Modules for CHATR

In addition to command level use, users of CHATR will also wish to add their own modules to the system. (e.g. new synthesis methods, alternative intonation modules, etc). This section explains how this may be done. Note although CHATR is flexible, it is impossible for it to be flexible enough for all users.

This section also explains many low-level details of the system.

General Philosophy

CHATR has been specifically designed with the view that unknown people will introduce unknown modules into the system. New intonation modules, duration modules or waveform synthesizers or indeed many other additions that the original designers did not even consider. But what has been developed is a system in which it is easy to declare, define and call new modules that can fully access an utterance's internal structure and modify it in a desired way.

We wish to allow developers to have as free a choice as possible but there are a number of simple rules which will make your life and our lives a lot simpler if they are followed.

General Programming Rules

The following should be considered when writing new code or integrating existing code into CHATR (which may be harder).

Free everything you `malloc'.
Preferably before your module exits. Alternatively, ensure that anything added to an utterance structure will be freed through the free function defined for that stream. CHATR may run for thousands of utterances, so even one byte unfreed is one too many. If possible you should use the CHATR provided xfree and xalloc functions for memory management. If all memory allocations go through the same functions, there is a better chance of tracing memory leaks.
Never call `exit'
It is not acceptable for your module to cause CHATR to exit. When you reach a condition from which you cannot continue, use the CHATR function list_error to exit, which will tidy things up and continue with CHATR's execution. See section Dealing with Errors, for more information. If possible, try to free any freeable memory before calling list_error.
Never `printf' things to the screen.
There are many modules in CHATR, and too much to be printed. Also, standard output is not necessarily the right place for such output. For warning messages use P_Warning, for error messages P_Error, for debug messages P_Debug, and for general messages use P_Message.
Never put absolute path names in code.
CHATR is designed to run on as many different machines as possible, so absolute paths will cause your module to fail. Files that are necessary for your module to work should be accessed through Lisp variables so they can be trivially changed without recompilation. If absolutely necessary, files can be added to the known CHATR library directory. See section Accessing Lisp from C, for accessing Lisp variables from C.
Always use CHATR functions to access CHATR structures.
Internal aspects of CHATR do change and improve. The accessor functions are guaranteed to continue to do the right thing, but accessing structures directly may cause problems later.
If a CHATR function exists to do a task, use it.
Or consider adding functionality to it rather than just duplicating it in your own code. Remember it is much easier to fix one function than hundreds of random little functions that do similar tasks all wrongly.
Try not to add unnecessary functions to the name space.
C (and C++) do not support a rich symbol naming scheme. (Actually it is the linker that is at fault too, not just the languages.) As CHATR contains thousands of functions, it is very easy to choose duplicate function names. Functions should be declared static if possible, to avoid duplicate names. If possible, modules should prefix external names with short identifiers to further reduce the chance of duplication.
Never use fixed sized arrays
Unless you know unquestionably the size of the array you want, do not declare fixed sized arrays, they are wrong. Allocating memory of the appropriate size will make your module work. And don't forget to free it before exiting!
Avoid machine-dependent functions.
CHATR runs on multiple architectures and will be ported to many more in the future. So if you wish your module to live on in immortality, you must write portable code. Be wary of all system functions (HP-UX and SunOS are not as similar as you would wish). Avoid byte order problems. If the file is saved on a different architecture from that you are running on, and you must load binary files, always byte swap them in your code. It is very easy for to you to add the extra code and makes the result much more useful.

CHATR is by no means complete and definitely requires further development. If it is difficult to write a particular module, it may be due to CHATR's architecture. Discuss the problem with others to see if an architectural change is required.

The Source

As with all large development systems, the ultimate authority lies in the source. That's what actually gets run. This document will never be as up to date as the source. It may well document what was supposed to happen rather than what actually happens. Look at the source for the answer. Also the source is useful to see how other people have tried to do things -- you can copy tips and parts of code by looking at similar modules.

The source of CHATR is currently kept under RCS (Revision Control System). RCS is a system that keeps track of different versions of files. However, the primary reason why we use RCS is to ensure that two people cannot edit the same file at the same time.

The recommended use of the source tree is to create a private directory tree of the system, and then build symbolic links in each directory to the RCS files in the CHATR source. See section Installing the System, for more information. GNU make will automatically check-out files from the library as required. (Be careful: other `makes' may not do this).


There are three core structures in CHATR: List, Stream and Utterance. This section describes their use, actual structure, and accessor functions (and macros).


List structures are a direct implementation of the list structures that appear in many languages and most explicitly in Lisp and Scheme. Lists offer a generic method for dealing with complex structures. They are an ideal tool for dealing with structured ASCII data. Most of CHATR's non-binary data are described in list structures. A basic list cell can be one of two major types: cons or atom. An atom may consist of a string, a number, an object (a stream or utterance) or a function (either a C function or a user defined function). A cons cell consists of two sub list cells which for arcane historical reasons are called the car and the cdr. (In other systems these may be called first and rest. Most Lisp programmers (and many other people) are much more familiar with the terms car and cdr, so if new terms must be learned, it is better to learn the terms that many other people use, even if they are obscure words.)

Lists can be read (or printed) in an ASCII form which uses parenthesis. Internally they are represented by linked structures.

The car of a list is the first item in the list, while the cdr is the remainder of the list. To illustrate this, given the following list

     (a b c d)

The car is `a' while the cdr is `(b c d)'.

C functions are defined for testing the type of a cons cell (whose C type is List).

Many C functions are defined for lists, printing reading, length, reversal, appending of two lists etc. Their prototypes are given in `include/list.h'. Users should always use the functions provided for accessing these lists, the internal structure may change but the accessor functions will still work.

Some of the most basic functions are

List mkatom(char *a)
Returns an atom whose print name is the given string. A copy of the string is taken.
STRVAL(List a)
Returns the string value of a string atom.
List cons(List a, List b)
Returns a new cell whose car is `a' and cdr is `b'. The second argument `b' will typically be a list (i.e. not atomic) or NIL, the empty list.
List car(list a)
Returns the car of list `a'. If `a' is not a cons cell this returns NIL.
List cdr(list a)
Returns the cdr of list `a'. If `a' is not a cons cell this returns NIL.
int list_length(List a)
Returns the length of a given list.
list_nth(int n,List a)
Returns the nth element of a list (1 is the first element).

In addition a number of reading and writing functions are provided for dealing with s-expressions.

LSTREAM *lopen(char *fname,char *mode)
This acts like fopen but for files containing Lisp expressions. Three related functions exist: lopen_pipe given a pipe create an LSTREAM from it, lopen_stream given an existing FILE create an LSTREAM, and lopen_stdin create an LSTREAM for the interactive standard input.
lclose(LSTREAM *fd)
Close an LSTREAM.
List list_read(LSTREAM *fd)
Read the next s-expression from the file.
char *print_cc(List a)
Returns a (new) string representation of a List (i.e. bracketed string). This returns an single string with no new lines.
char *pprint(List a)
Returns a `pretty' string representation of the list. New lines and indentation are used to give a reasonable representation.

The following small sample program reads in all the s-expressions in a file and prints the first thing in each list followed by the length of the string it appears in.

     #include <stdio.h>
     #include <list.h>

     int main(int argc, char **argv)
        List a;
        LSTREAM *fd;

        fd = lopen("testfile","r");
        while ((a = list_read(fd)) != LIST_EOF)
           printf("%s: %n\n",STRVAL(car(a)),list_length(a));



Streams contain the real contents of an utterance. Example stream types are `Word', `Segment', `Unit'. Each utterance consists of a number of streams each with a name. Each stream consists of a doubly linked list of cells. A cell's contents may be a phoneme, segment, word etc. Each stream cell type has a name (and a number of related functions) as declared in arch/table.c:stream_tab[]. A large number of accessor and manipulation functions exist. These are declared in `include/table.h'.

A stream cell's contents will be a pointer to a user defined structure. By convention the structure name and stream name are the same.

The following accessor functions exist

Stream new_stream_cell(char *type)
Constructs a new stream cell with initialized contents for the type specified.
char *SC_type(Stream cell)
The type of the cell.
Stream SC_next(Stream cell)
The following cell. SNIL is defined as the end of the stream.
Stream SC_previous(Stream cell)
The previous cell, SNIL is defined as the end of the stream.
(struct Type*)SC(Stream cell,Type)
Where Type is the structure name of the contents. By convention this should be the same name as the type name, though the type name is a string and the type structure is a C structure definition. Note that the macro SC automatically does the casting, so usage can be as follows
List sc_relation(char *type,Stream cell)
A list of cells of type type which are related to this cell. Note there are macros for many standard types in `table.h'.
void sc_set_relation(char *type,Stream cell,List newvalue)
Sets relation to be new value. Note no garbage collection occurs and it is the user's responsibility to ensure that every thing that could be freed is actually freed.

A stream cell may be deleted with the function delete_stream_cell. This function requires the cell plus the whole utterance, as deleting a cell requires that all other pointers to that cell are removed.

New streams may be added to the system by adding a declaration to stream_tab in the file `arch/table.c'. A stream requires a name (a string of characters), a delete stream function (typically sc_delete_stream), and functions to make and free the contents of a cell. The name of the stream should be the same as the name of the structure of its contents. An additional two fields have been added, load and dump functions, which translate the contents of the cell into a Lisp expression (or from a Lisp expression into the internal form). This allows the X windows utterance inspector program to graphically display the contents of an utterance (as well as certain other functions to use the utterance contents uniformly).

For example, a new stream called "Ninput" could be declared in table.c as

    {"Ninput",  sc_delete_stream, free_ninput, make_ninput,
                 sc_print_ninput, sc_load_ninput},

Do not forget to give prototypes for these functions in `table.c'. The structure itself (which should not be included in `table.c'), can be defined in some other `.h' file, as in

     struct Ninput {     /* Simplest high level romaji input */
         char *text;

Then the make and free functions themselves are of the form

     void *make_ninput(void)
         struct Ninput *ninput = xalloc(1,struct Ninput);
         ninput->text = NULL;  /* always initialize strings and */
                               /* other fields explicitly */
         return (void *)ninput;
     void free_ninput(void *contents)
         struct Ninput *ninput = (struct Ninput *)contents;


Note the use of void is so that the contents of a stream may actually be of any type.

Stream cells may be linked to other stream cells through relations. A function is provided to make those links automatically, based on the types of the stream cells. Two cells may be linked using


Other functions are also available for adding individual stream cells to streams in an utterance, or removing them if required.

A few common utilities are offered for commonly required functions. When following relations, a few functions are actually required, therefor macros for common access functions are defined in `table.c'.

Rsyl1(Stream s)
Returns the first syllable related to cell `s'.
Rseg1(Stream s)
Returns the first segment related to cell `s'.
Rword1(Stream s)
Returns the first word related to cell `s'

To access the actual contents of a stream cell, use the macro SC. As an example, to access the text field of the Ninput cell described above use


The contents will depend on the type of cell. The following small example goes through all words and prints out some information about the syllables it contains.

     #include "list.h"
     #include "interface.h"  /* for print functions */
     #include "table.h"
     #include "word.h"
     #include "syllable.h"

     void demo(Utterance utt)
        Stream w;
        List syls,s;

        for (w=utt_stream("Word",utt); w != SNIL; w=SC_next(w))
           syls=Rsyl(w);  /* Get list of related syllables */
           P_Message("Word %s:\n",SC(w,Word)->text);
           P_Message("   num of syls %d\n",list_length(syls));
           for (s=syls; s != NIL; s=cdr(s)) /* for each syllable */
              P_Message("   syls: %s\n",SC(STREAMVAL(car(s)),Syl)->test);
              if (SC(STREAMVAL(car(s)),Syl)->stress == TRUE)
              P_Message("   stressed\n");
                  P_Message("   unstressed\n");



An utterance contains a number of streams. The number and type of these streams is determined at utterance create time (via the Lisp level Utterance function which in turn is the C function new_utterance). The basic argument to new_utterance is an arbitrary List structure which is whatever input was given. The returned form in an utterance structure which should by accessed only through the provided interface.

The following utterances access functions exist

Stream utt_stream(char *type, Utterance utt)
Returns the stream of that name (if it exists).
void utt_set_stream(char *type, Stream cell, Utterance utt)
Sets the start of the stream named by type to cell.

Accessing Lisp from C

The Lisp system allows the definition of functions and setting of variables but variable settings in Lisp are useless unless they can be accessed in C. A number of functions aid the interfacing of the two worlds.

To find the value of a Lisp variable in C use the following function. For example suppose we wish to find the value of the variable test_dir

     List l_test_dir;

     l_test_dir = list_str_eval("test_dir",NULL);

The second argument to list_str_eval() is an error message to be printed if the variable is unset. If the error message is NULL then NIL (the empty List) is returned if the variable is unset, and no error message is given. If an error message is given and the variable is unset the function calls list_error() and hence does not return.

The above only gives a `List' structure (atom or list) in return. To access its internals another function is required. The major types are

char *STRVAL(List c);
Utterance UTTVAL(List c);
Stream STREAMVAL(List c);
int list_num(List c);
float list_float(List c);

These functions and macros may call list_error() if given inappropriate arguments. You should check things are atomic (using atomp()) and of the appropriate type (streamp() numberp() etc. if necessary.

Most simple atoms in CHATR are treated as strings, even though they may consist of digits--though true numbers, floats, and realstrings can be created. Both the functions list_num() and list_float() will return an int or float even if their given argument is a string (or realstring), if it can be given as a valid argument to the C functions atoi() and atof().

As many modules require a number of external parameters, a few extra functions have been added to aid this. The general recommendation for parameters for a module is that a single Lisp variable is set with a list of pairs (in Lisp terms called an assoc-list) defining values for each of the parameters. For example, a typical setting for the ToBI intonation modules parameters is

     (set tobi_params
          '((pitch_accents H* !H* L* L+H* L*+H)
            (phrase_accents H- L-)
            (boundary_tones H-H% L-H% L-L% H-L%)
            (topval 45.0)
            (baseval 25.0)
            (refval 100.0)))

Thus in the ToBI module the external parameters may be obtained by accessing one variable and then the individual parts, using predefined functions for parameter accessing. The parameter setting functions (defined in `src/phrase/futils.c') take three arguments, an assoc list, a parameter name and a default value. A number of parameter setting functions are defined, one for each major type--number float, string, list etc. Thus our parameter initialization in the ToBI module would be

     List params;

     params = list_str_eval("tobi_params",NULL);

     tobi_pitch_accents = param_get_list(params,"pitch_accents",NIL);
     tobi_phrase_accents = param_get_list(params,"phrase_accents",NIL);
     tobi_boundary_tones = param_get_list(params,"boundary_tones",NIL);
     tobi_topval = param_get_float(params,"topval",50.0);
     tobi_baseval = param_get_float(params,"baseval",50.0);
     tobi_refval = param_get_float(params,"refval",120.0);

For completeness, documentation for any parameter variables should be given in the table in `src/chatr/chatr_vars.c'. A documentation string maybe associated with a variable. This string is available in on-line help, and it will also automatically appear in the user manual.

Additions to CHATR

Adding a New File

All Makefiles in CHATR refer to all files in that directory. It is important that all files are mentioned in a Makefile so that CHATR can automatically check in, check out, compile, and backup the files that are part of the system. If a new file is to be added to a directory, edit the Makefile and add the new file name to the the appropriate line. For `.c' files add it to SRCS. For `.h' files add it to H (add the variable if not already there--and add it to the FILES variable). For other files, add it to FILES (or some other appropriate list). For example, the Makefile for the `src/lex/' directory looks like

     #   Makefile for synthesizer: lexicon module
     TOP = ../..
     DIRNAME = src/lex
     SRCS = lexicon.c complex.c lextree.c word.c reduce.c
     OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o)
     FILES = $(SRCS) Makefile
     ALL = .chatrlib
     include $(TOP)/src/include/default.make.rules

To add a new file, for example `oaldce.c', change the `SRCS' line to

     SRCS = lexicon.c complex.c lextree.c word.c reduce.c oaldce.c

Adding a New Directory

To add a new directory, add its name to the list of directories in the Makefile in the parent directory. Copy a Makefile from a sibling directory and edit it. Remember to redefine the variable DIRNAME. Also, you need to add the directory name to utils/makechatrdirs.

Adding an Utterance Module

This section describes how to add a new (completed) module to CHATR. See section Developing New Modules for CHATR, for more detailed aspects of adding new methods to CHATR.

Basically there are three things you must do in order for a new module to be accessible within CHATR: declare, define and call.

A detailed example is given here showing how a module that does reduction of vowels to schwas in de-accented words. Note this is only illustrative, and not intended to be a complete implementation of such a function. Later examples will show other changes to the system.

This new module, reduce_module, will act on utterances and be a conventional utterance module. It will take an utterance at some suitable stage of processing and modify the phonemes in words where it is decided they should be schwa'd.

The first stage is to declare our new module. This is done in the file `chatr/utt_modules.c'. The file contains a table of utterance modules called com2umfunc. Each entry identifies a module in the following five fields

Lisp Name
A `char *' name of the module that will be the name of the function from the Lisp interpreter.
C function name
The actual name of the C function that implements the command. Utterance modules must be of the form
     void reduce_module(Utterance utt);
Such a declaration must appear in this file.
Requires List
A list of `features' that must be met before this module may be run. Not yet implemented.
Provides List
A list of `features' that this function will produce. Not yet implemented. These features will list which streams must be filled and which fields within which stream cells too.
Documentation string
A character string describing the module for use in help functions and in the manual.

Thus our entry for our module would be

      "Reduces vowels to schwas in destressed function words."},

Once declared we can define our module. We may wish to build it in a new directory. See section Adding a New Directory, for information on adding a directory to the CHATR structure. Alternatively we may add it to an existing directory or file. Here we will simply include it in the `lex/' directory in a new file. See section Adding a New File, for information on how to update the Makefiles such that a new file may properly become part of the system.

In our new file `reduce.c' we can write our module. Almost definitely we need the following `includes'

     #include <stdio.h>
     #include "alloc.h"    /* basic alloc/free and string functions */
     #include "list.h"     /* List access function */
     #include "table.h"    /* utterance and stream access functions */
     #include "word.h"     /* word cell structure */
     #include "syllable.h" /* syllable cell structure */
     #include "phoneme.h"  /* phoneme cell structure */

The main function basically goes through each word and checks to see if it is destressed. If so, an attempt is made to change the vowel to a schwa.

void reduce_module(Utterance utt)
        Stream word;

        for (word=utt_stream("Word",utt); word != SNIL; word=SC_next(word))
            if (destressed(word) == TRUE)


The third and final stage is to call our new module. Normally in CHATR, modules are called through the Lisp function Synth (C function chatr/chatr.c:chatr_synth()). It is possible to add a call there to reduce_module if desired. However, for testing and experimentation purposes, it is possible to call reduce_module through Lisp. We can define a new synthesis function in Lisp as follows. (This offers the same functionality as the existing function Synth for HLP type utterances.)

     (define new_synth (utt)
       ;; Explicit flow of control for synthesis in Lisp
       (Input utt)

       (HLP utt)
       (Word utt)
       (Phonology utt)
       (Intonation utt)
       (Duration utt)
       (Int_target utt)
       (Rfc_Module utt)

       (Synthesis utt))

This function calls the appropriate modules for synthesis. The function Input deserves some explanation, it loads the appropriate streams from the input form given to the function Utterance. This function should always be called at the start of such a synthesis Lisp function. The final function Synthesis does the low level waveform synthesis (by whichever method is currently selected). The middle functions are the interesting ones. We can add our new module and define new_synth as

     (define new_synth (utt)
       ;; Explicit flow of control for synthesis in Lisp
       (Input utt)

       (HLP utt)
       (Word utt)
       (Phonology utt)
       (Vowel_Reduce utt)
       (Intonation utt)
       (Duration utt)
       (Int_target utt)
       (Rfc_Module utt)

       (Synthesis utt))

We use the Lisp name for our function as defined in our utterance module table entry. This position for the call may not be the most optimal, perhaps it should be within the word module itself. The word module could be defined in Lisp and Vowel_Reduce added to it.

Now we can use the above function instead of Synth and get synthesis to use the new module. For example if utt1 is an HLP type utterance we can use

     (Say (new_synth utt1))

Other Examples

New Lisp Commands

A new Lisp command can be added in a similar way to new utterance methods as described above. In `chatr/commands.c' add a new entry for your function. The table com2func defines the commands. The fields are

Lisp name
By convention we try to make native Lisp commands all lower case (and use standard Lisp/Scheme names where appropriate), while speech synthesis related commands start with a capital letter.
C function name
This should be declared above as
     List <name>(List args)
The function is given a list as an argument. The car of that list is the name of the function being called while the cdr is the list or arguments given.
A single character. If 'L' all arguments are evaluated before the function is called, or if 'N' arguments are not evaluated (but the function itself may evaluate the arguments if desired).
Arguments completion state
This number is used as a pointer into the com_args table also in `chatr/commands.c'. It defines what completions are available for arguments. A value of -1 denotes unknown argument completion, but of course variable, command and file name completion will still occur.
Document string
A description of the function. The first line of which should be a prototype call. This document string is automatically extracted and inserted at the end of this manual, so it is necessary to use the same form of description as the other functions. It cannot contain a blank line.

For functions which simply act on single utterance objects, it may be more appropriate to define them as utterance modules. These are functions of the form

     void um_func(Utterance utt);

These may be defined in a table similar to standard functions as in com2func. Utterance modules are defined in the table com2umfunc in `src/utt_modules.c'.

New Waveform Synthesis Methods

Synthesis methods could be introduced as a completely new utterance module but as there are already a number of methods the easiest way is to add to them.

First choose a name and write the module.

Second you should update the documentation structure for Parameter in `chatr/commands.c' and the argument completion table above it.

The next stage is to allow your new synthesis method to be called. This is done from the function synth/synthesis.c: synthesis(). Add a condition in the obvious way. The new synthesis module should take an utterance as an argument and return a P_Wave structure (this structure is defined in `include/wave.h'.

A dummy example synthesis method is given in `synth/dummy.c'. It shows the basic declaration and how to access the most obvious parts of the utterance structure.

Other New Modules

There are already a choice of options in various places in CHATR, and it is much easier to add new modules at these points.

A new duration module must be defined by adding it to the file `src/duration/duration.c:' in duration_module() before it can be selected. A new name should be chosen and set using Parameter Duration_Method. The test in duration_module() should be added to, and the new module added in that directory.

New intonation modules are a little harder. `src/intonation/intonation.c' contains the basic selection. Three new functions are required as follows

  1. Predict intonation parameters for a labeled input tree selected from intone_module().
  2. Predict "target points" for given intonation parameters. Called from int_target_module() after duration values have been calculated.
  3. Render F0 samples throughout an utterance at some given interval. Called from make_F0() in `make_f0.c'.

These functions may not do anything in some intonation theories, but all should defined if you wish to fit neatly into the current system.

New signal processing and concatenation techniques should be added to the file `ruc/ruc.c'. Again, a simple choice of different functions is selected from a value set via the Parameter command.

Dealing with Errors

It is not acceptable for modules to call exit(). CHATR should continue running even if an error occurs. An error system is included in CHATR that allows modules to abandon their execution but still allow CHATR to continue. If you find an error condition call


This returns to a higher level (via a setjmp/longjmp) and allows CHATR to continue. It is wise to tidy up any allocated memory, or any modification made to an utterance before calling this function. It is also wise to close any open files opened in this module before calling list_error().

If you wish to catch errors within your module which occur in a function below, then you can add a catch for errors allowing you to tidy up before calling list_error() or allowing you to continue. For example file/list.c:load_lfile() loads and evaluates Lisp commands in a file. If an error occurs while executing the commands in that file before we return to top level with an error message, we wish to close that file. This is done by adding a new return point within the function so that if an error occurs there is a chance to close the file. The general format of such a guard is

     List_Error_Tag local_tag;
     FILE * volatile fd = NULL;

     local_tag = On_Error_Tag;
     if (list_onerror(On_Error_Tag)) 
     {   /* Gets here only if error occurs in else clause */
         /* do tidy up */
         if (fd != NULL) fclose(fd);

         /* Send error to higher level *.
         /* normal calls */
         fd = fopen(...);

         return /* whatever */;

Note due to the implementational semantics of setjmp/longjmp, care must be taken with variables accessed when the error condition is executed. Because of optimization strategies local variables' values may not be restored properly when entering the error condition. This can cause serious problems when trying to tidy up before passing the error further back. To deal with this all variables used within the error case should be declared volatile. Care should also be taken in the use of volatile, check other examples in the code for this. The above example shows how volatile should be used with a pointer to get the desired effect.

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