[Japanese | English]
Tetsuro Kitahara
Dept. of Intelligence Science and Technology, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University
This site has been moved to http://ist.ksc.kwansei.ac.jp/~kitahara/index-e.html
Name: Tetsuro Kitahara
Okuno Laboratory (Speech Media Group),
Dept. of Intelligence Science and Technology,
Graduate School of Informatics,
Kyoto University, Japan
My Research Interests:
Music Informatics (e.g., Musical Instrument Identification,
Computational Music Scene Analysis,
Musical Performance Supporting)
Abstract and PDFs of My Papers
Abstracts of My Papers (new)
Publication (English Papers Only)
- See this.
The following is now under construction.
Tetsuro Kitahara,
Masataka Goto,
Kazunori Komatani,
Tetsuya Ogata
Hiroshi G. Okuno:
"Instrument Identification in Polyphonic Music:
Feature Weighting with Mixed Sounds, Pitch-dependent Timbre Modeling,
and Use of Musical Context",
Proc. Int'l Conf. Music Information Retrieval
(ISMIR 2005),
Sept. 2005. (accepted as poster presentation)
Tetsuro Kitahara
Katsuhisa Ishida,
Masayuki Takeda:
"ism: Improvisation Supporting Systems with
Melody Correction and Key Vibration",
Proc. Int'l Conf. Entertainment Computing
(ICEC 2005),
Sept. 2005. (accepted as short presentation)
Tetsuro Kitahara,
Masataka Goto
Hiroshi G. Okuno:
"Category-level Identification of Non-registered Musical Instrument Sounds",
Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
(ICASSP 2004),
Vol.IV, pp.253-256, May 2004.
Tetsuro Kitahara,
Masataka Goto
Hiroshi G. Okuno:
"Pitch-dependent Musical Instrument Identification
and Its Application to Musical Sound Ontology",
Proc. 16th Int'l Conf. Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Vol.2718,
pp.112-122, Springer, June 2003.
(abstract in .html)
Tetsuro Kitahara,
Masataka Goto
Hiroshi G. Okuno:
"Musical Instrument Identification
based on F0-dependent Multivariate Normal Distribution,"
Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP '03),
Vol.V, pp.431-434, Apr. 2003.
(abstract in .html)
(paper in .ps.gz)
(paper in .pdf)
Hiromasa Fujihara,
Tetsuro Kitahara,
Masataka Goto,
Kazunori Komatani,
Tetsuya Ogata
Hiroshi G. Okuno:
"Singer Identification based on Accompaniment Sound Reduction
and Reliable Frame Selection",
Proc. Int'l Conf. Music Information Retrieval
(ISMIR 2005),
Sept. 2005. (accepted)
Takuya Yoshioka,
Tetsuro Kitahara,
Kazunori Komatani,
Tetsuya Ogata
Hiroshi G. Okuno:
"Automatic Chord Transcription with Concurrent Recognition of
Chord Symbols and Boundaries",
Proc. Int'l Conf. Music Information Retrieval
(ISMIR 2004),
pp.100-105, Oct. 2004.
Katsuhisa Ishida,
Tetsuro Kitahara
Masayuki Takeda:
"ism: Improvisation Supporting System based on Melody Correction",
Proc. Int'l Conf. New Interfaces for Musical Expression
(NIME 04),
pp.177-180, June 2004.
Yohei Sakuraba,
Tetsuro Kitahara
Hiroshi G. Okuno:
"Comparing Features for Forming Music Streams in Automatic Music Transcription",
Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
(ICASSP 2004),
Vol.IV, pp.273-276, May 2004.
The publication list including Japanese papers is here.
Applets (including Japanese Explanations)
- The simulation of a phisical phenomenon (like a game)
- Visualization of the tower of Hanoi
- Visualization of Calculation based on the reverse Polish notation
- Quick sort
(Under construction)
Song and Lyrics by K. Magome, Melody by T. Yamazaki, Arranged, Programed and Mixed by T. Kitahara
Song by Konchu Zukan
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