YOKOYA, Ryunosuke
[ Japanese | English ]
- Affiliation
- Contact
- Address : Engineering Building #10, Yoshida-Hommachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
- Room : #424
- TEL : +81-75-753-5992
- FAX : +81-75-753-5977
- E-mail : yokoya[at]kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp
- Journal Paper
Ryunosuke Yokoya,
Tetsuya Ogata, Jun Tani,
Kazunori Komatani,
and Hiroshi G. Okuno:
"Experience-based Imitation Using RNNPB,"
Advanced Robotics, VSP and Robotics Society of Japan, Vol. 21, No. 12, pp. 1351-1367, 2007.
- International Conference Papers
Ryunosuke Yokoya,
Tetsuya Ogata, Jun Tani,
Kazunori Komatani,
and Hiroshi G. Okuno:
"Discovery of Other Individuals by Projecting a Self-Model Through Imitation,"
Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2007),
pp. 1009-1014, San Diego, Oct. 2007.
Ryunosuke Yokoya,
Tetsuya Ogata, Jun Tani,
Kazunori Komatani,
and Hiroshi G. Okuno:
"Experience Based Imitation Using RNNPB,"
Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2006), pp.3669-3674, Beijing, China, Sep. 2006.
Ryunosuke Yokoya,
Tetsuya Ogata, Jun Tani,
Kazunori Komatani,
and Hiroshi G. Okuno:
"Robot Imitation from Active-Sensing Experiences,"
Proceedings of 5th IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning
(ICDL 2006), Bloomington, May 2006.